Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Traffic in Kathmandu

It is a miracle that things work so well as far as traffic goes here in Kathmandu. The streets are really narrow, they are almost always two-ways, there is almost no sidewalks and no traffic lights. And there are lots of people, animals and vehicles of all kinds in the streets.
All they have are horns, practice, skills and, most of all in my opinion, a lot of luck.

Nepalese drivers are very good and space seems to have different properties here in Kathmandu.
From my ride from the airport to the office yesterday I was amazed by the traffic. There are lots of motorcycles, and I can't blame them for that, it is for sure the best means of transportation here.
In the afternoon I decided to walk around the neighborhood. What an adventure! Then I could see traffic issues from a different perspective.

The amazing thing is that everything works! And after a while you get used to walk in the middle of the street with all vehicles horning at you and it becomes such a great and fascinating experience! There are always a lot of people walking and nobody seems to care about all the cars, motorbikes, tuktuks and bikes and the lack of sidewalks. After 10 minutes I also got used and found walking around a very rich experience!
This morning, as I was reading the news a found this article, it explains a lot.. and I can't wait to travel next week and experience it first hand!

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